Wednesday 14 August 2013

My Experience About The Blog

I have experience in this animal called Sugar Glider that why I created this blog (Information about Sugar Glider). I have develop and share my knowledge in this blog to give enough of information about Sugar glider that i known to help those visitor and my friend who wanted to known more and question about Sugar Glider. I very enjoy doing this blog and I'm trying to improve more in my blog, and I also will post more thing about other animal that I known and share it, to help those people who are animal lover like me.

Friday 5 July 2013

FAQ ( About Sugar Glider )

So here you can find out Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Sugar Glider .

  1. Will Sugar Glider bite us ? - Sugar Glider is tame animal so usually they wont bite us . But since their started move to new house , so their will be afraid and scared maybe their will started tackle you . This is because they scared us trying to looking or grabbing them . 
  2. Can we take pictures by flash ? - Answer is No , because Sugar Glider eye is sensitive to brighten . If you take pictures with flash it will damage their night vision  ,  but if you have a good camera you just use a normal light and take the pictures , then use your computer to edit it more brighten .
  3. What kind of noises that Sugar Glider normally will make ? - Sugar Glider their make a lot of different noises . They will bark at each other and this is my favorite noises it sound like a puppies . Another is when Sugar Glider are sleeping , they will snoring by making sound popping bubbles . Futhermore , at night you also will hear the noises that Sugar Glider jumping and running around in their cage . 
    4 . Do Sugar Glider is a great pet ? - Answer is Yes , Sugar Glider is a great pet and it also my favorite pets , they are more bigger then hamster and they are more smarter . They are intelligent and adorable and is fun to carry a Sugar Glider around with one small pouch . However , be a potential owner you must spend more time or get more Sugar Glider , if not their will feel lonely and it will cause them dead .

Thursday 4 July 2013

No, No, No !!

There are some kind of food and items that shouldn't be given to Sugar Glider. Therefore, we must be very careful and particular on the food and items that we are giving to them . So you must know what kind of food and some of the item that cannot give to sugar glider , this are the following food and some of the item :

  1. NO chocolate - Chocolate is a toxic chemical food that shows reaction to most of the animals. It shouldn't be given to the Sugar Glider. 

  2. NO cat food -  Sugar Glider do not eat cat food. It is a waste , if you give it to them.

  3. NO seasoning - Do not give onion, pepper, salt or garlic to Sugar Glider. It will damaged Sugar Glider scent.

  4. NO cheese - It may cause sugar glider get ' binding ' leading to their constipation .

  5. NO fried food - It is too oily and it may cause the Sugar Glider over weight . 

  6. NO hot lamp - It might injured your Sugar Glider due to high temperature .

  7. NO children and any other pet - Do not allow children or any other pet to play with the Sugar Glider. They might injured or frighten the Sugar Glider due to aggressive action or crowd.

  8. No freedom - Do not let your Sugar Glider hanging around the house. Some facilities can be dangerous and harmful to your sugar glider , for example fans, standing water or electronic products. Furthermore, due to their size, it was never an easy task to get them back if you lost them.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Sugar Glider New Home

Make Sure you know how to take care your Sugar Glider . Before bringing your Sugar Glider home you must have the following item :

  1. A suitable cage for your Sugar glider - It is not necessary to get a huge cage for Sugar Glider . However , it is better for them to gliding or jumping if there have a sufficient places for them .
  2. A hanging small water bottle - That can be hang at outside of the cage and easy for sugar glider to drink the water .
  3. A small house that can fit them or hanging pouch - They are usually made by fleece with hooks for hanging on the top . Easy for your sugar glider to sleep or escape .
  4. Have a few dishes -  You also can use paper plates to put their dry food but it better to use plastic or metal dishes so that you can put their moist foods also and sugar glider their are active at night so feed their main meal at night .
  5. A few pieces of fleece - you can put some pieces of fleece next to your body and wear it for several hours and place to their sleeping bag so that they will get use to your scent , is better that you repeat this as long as necessary so it can keep your scent for sugar glider .
  6. Toys - Pick any toys that you think your sugar glider needed and suitable for them .
This the following item that needed for your sugar glider for their new house . For the started few day your sugar glider might be get stressed , so you must give them some time  ( it take around 1 to 5 days maybe it will take a week ) because their need to adjust their new places to suit them . You must spend more hour with your sugar glider at least 1 to 3 hours perday  , and try to speak with your sugar glider so their can begin to know you more . Try to get more sugar glider so that can make sure your sugar glider wont feel lonely and wont get bored. 

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Introduction about Sugar Glider

This is a female Sugar Glider , its name Bibi .Its one of my favourite pets .Sugar gliders can be easily found in Australia and Indonesia cause they were native in eastern and northern mainland  . Its has a blue grey in color with a darker stripe on their back . Sugar glider is a nocturnal animal meaning they normally sleep at day and very active at the night time .  Sugar Glider is a omnivore as they are eating insect and vegetable , example like earthworm or carrot . Sugar Glider is tame animal ,  they not a dangerous animal and they din't afraid of people . Mother Sugar Glider similar like kangaroo as they also put they baby into they pouch . Sugar glider life expectancy is about 10 to 15 years old . Sugar Glider are active and very social animals as they don't live alone . If they live alone without  partners they will become depressed , which can cause it to die . Sugar glider  have a strong smell sense , they will recognize whether you're a owner or stranger . If a stranger come to approach  the sugar glider , the sugar glider will hide back to they own living room to protect their own self  .  Sugar glider  look like flying squirrel but sugar glider doesn't fly , its just 'glide' , they will 'glide' by leaping off something to a place as they spread out thier skin called a patagium that extends between their front and back leg by using their long tails to steer help them 'glide' to over 100 meter , its can from a high tree to another tree .