Friday 5 July 2013

FAQ ( About Sugar Glider )

So here you can find out Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Sugar Glider .

  1. Will Sugar Glider bite us ? - Sugar Glider is tame animal so usually they wont bite us . But since their started move to new house , so their will be afraid and scared maybe their will started tackle you . This is because they scared us trying to looking or grabbing them . 
  2. Can we take pictures by flash ? - Answer is No , because Sugar Glider eye is sensitive to brighten . If you take pictures with flash it will damage their night vision  ,  but if you have a good camera you just use a normal light and take the pictures , then use your computer to edit it more brighten .
  3. What kind of noises that Sugar Glider normally will make ? - Sugar Glider their make a lot of different noises . They will bark at each other and this is my favorite noises it sound like a puppies . Another is when Sugar Glider are sleeping , they will snoring by making sound popping bubbles . Futhermore , at night you also will hear the noises that Sugar Glider jumping and running around in their cage . 
    4 . Do Sugar Glider is a great pet ? - Answer is Yes , Sugar Glider is a great pet and it also my favorite pets , they are more bigger then hamster and they are more smarter . They are intelligent and adorable and is fun to carry a Sugar Glider around with one small pouch . However , be a potential owner you must spend more time or get more Sugar Glider , if not their will feel lonely and it will cause them dead .


  1. That’s informative but I have a few questions! No flash? Can sugar glider see in the dark then? And they bark too? Haha. I didn’t know that. Are they also very active? And how are they intelligent? Like, what do they do? Good thing you wrote about sugar glider I don’t know anything about them at all! How long have you had them? Like, when did you have your first sugar glider ever?

  2. hi Julaine ~ ya no flash ~ because Sugar glider eye is very sensitive to the brighten ~ it may effect their sight if you use flash to them . Beside that , ya they are active ... they active at night , morning they sleep , like mouse also active at night .Sugar glider will make noises or bark when their are hungry or calling each other. Their are intelligent animal by using scent their know who is stranger who is their friend . My 1st sugar glider is in when i was 16 years old , my friend gave it to me ~

  3. hi my dear friend!i have see your sugar glider.they are awesome exactly!i like it!i want to know some information , actually the sugar glider what their are eat for breakfast,lunch and dinner?izit you given them eat 3 times in a day?when they are still baby what u give the baby eat?

    1. Hi chin... Thank you. Sugar glider only eat 2 times, I will give them eat earthworm and fruit .... However, if you feed earthworm for them, remember per week 3~4 times is enough cause if you feed them a lot of earthworm their wont eat other food .... and Sugar Glider are active at night, so when at night I will give the fruit to eat ... Beside that , mother of Sugar glider will feed the baby Sugar glider because mother of Sugar glider will put their baby at pouch.
