Wednesday 19 June 2013

Introduction about Sugar Glider

This is a female Sugar Glider , its name Bibi .Its one of my favourite pets .Sugar gliders can be easily found in Australia and Indonesia cause they were native in eastern and northern mainland  . Its has a blue grey in color with a darker stripe on their back . Sugar glider is a nocturnal animal meaning they normally sleep at day and very active at the night time .  Sugar Glider is a omnivore as they are eating insect and vegetable , example like earthworm or carrot . Sugar Glider is tame animal ,  they not a dangerous animal and they din't afraid of people . Mother Sugar Glider similar like kangaroo as they also put they baby into they pouch . Sugar glider life expectancy is about 10 to 15 years old . Sugar Glider are active and very social animals as they don't live alone . If they live alone without  partners they will become depressed , which can cause it to die . Sugar glider  have a strong smell sense , they will recognize whether you're a owner or stranger . If a stranger come to approach  the sugar glider , the sugar glider will hide back to they own living room to protect their own self  .  Sugar glider  look like flying squirrel but sugar glider doesn't fly , its just 'glide' , they will 'glide' by leaping off something to a place as they spread out thier skin called a patagium that extends between their front and back leg by using their long tails to steer help them 'glide' to over 100 meter , its can from a high tree to another tree .


  1. Hey you seem to know much about sugar glider and would like to ask how do you know that sugar glider is a female or a male and do they have the same behaviour? and i am interested in buying one do you know where can i get one? thanks.

    1. Hazmi : Its quite easy to know which is male and female once their reach maturity . Female sugar glider will have a pouch on their bellies and males will have a bald spot on their top head . If you interested buying one you can find at some pet shop , some of the pet shop are selling the price is RM350 if i'm not wrong

  2. They behaviour is not same , normally female will chase away or bite the male. Is a part of maiting ritual , if it gets to rough you may have to seperate them for a few days.

  3. How bout it will bite or not? There is any poison stuff in the teeth that can course bad injurious for us? What will be normal price if we buy the pet when it newly born?What is the food that we give to the pet is not suitable and it may cause hygenic to it

    1. Hi visha ~ hmm sugar glider teeth have no poison so no need to be scare ,they wont bite people ~ in early maybe yes their will bite you cause their affair of you . Normally newly born they wont sell cause their still need mom to feed them and protect them . Food ~ oily food don't give to sugar glider it will cause them fat .

  4. What are the requirements we should have in order to keep a sugar glider as a pet? Do i need cages? and what type of food and environments are they allergic to?
