What kind of noises that Sugar Glider normally will make ? - Sugar Glider their make a lot of different noises . They will bark at each other and this is my favorite noises it sound like a puppies . Another is when Sugar Glider are sleeping , they will snoring by making sound popping bubbles . Futhermore , at night you also will hear the noises that Sugar Glider jumping and running around in their cage .
4 . Do Sugar Glider is a great pet ? - Answer is Yes , Sugar Glider is a great pet and it also my favorite pets , they are more bigger then hamster and they are more smarter . They are intelligent and adorable and is fun to carry a Sugar Glider around with one small pouch . However , be a potential owner you must spend more time or get more Sugar Glider , if not their will feel lonely and it will cause them dead .